
These Are the Top 5 Secret Beaches in Europe That You Must Visit

All of us have visions of those sandy, sun-filled beaches where there are hardly any people around and you can relax while sipping a delicious cocktail and listening to the sound of the waves. We all now fantasize about remote locations far more than congested city streets due to the pandemic’s excessive stress. We have to pick even our remote retreats with caution, as travel restrictions are still prevalent in most nations.

The ideal fusion of tranquility and unspoiled beauty? European beaches are dispersed over several nations, providing the ideal fusion of peace and wild surroundings. While some are great for a one-time trip to escape the throng, others are great for boat enthusiasts who want to explore many beaches at once. Here are some suggestions to help you maintain your wanderlust.

The hidden jewel of Ibiza’s Formentera

Just thinking about Ibiza conjures up images of all-night parties with sun-kissed throng dancing to the laid-back island’s mellow beats. On the other hand, many would characterize Formentera, the sister island of Ibiza, with its major beach bearing the same name, as its exact opposite: a serene cove nestled among relaxing pine trees and sand dunes.

This island is a great place to get away from it all and reconnect with Mother Nature. Its transparent seas and deliciously silky sand shoreline have drawn comparisons to the Caribbean. Remember that the only ways to get to this little island are by boat or ferry, so you might want to hire a boat and take a trip to some of the other undiscovered beaches.

The eternal allure of Croatia’s Zlatni Rat

For those from the West seeking a little peace and quiet, Croatia is the jewel in the Mediterranean. The locals are really kind, the cuisine is great, and the area is serene but full with historical sites. Additionally, the many little coves and beaches that are only reachable by boat are ideal for exploration and island hopping around the expansive Croatian coastline.

Find a Croatia sailing charter that can transport you to Zlatni Rat beach and let you explore the surrounding region to transform your private vacation into an opulent escape. This island, called Brač, is tucked away in the Dalmatian area and has several hidden coves along the shore; nevertheless, Zlatni Rat is probably its most sought-after beach.

Scopello Beach is a gem in the rough in Sicily

This little town in Sicily appears to be mired in the past. When you’re sick of the world, you head to Scopello because it’s beautiful, intact, and has a magnificent coastline fit for a postcard. The beach is made more attractive by the craggy rocks that rise out of the water, yet the honey-colored sand makes the coast more softer and more inviting.

Savor the freshly caught fish and other seafood delicacies with the locally cultivated herbs. The residences’ and villas’ architectural designs enhance the area’s historic charm and produce equally breathtaking vistas both on and off the coast.

Immerse yourself in the amorous waves of Ploumanac’h

Given how much attention the South of France receives, it makes sense that a beach there would be included on a list such as this one. We have instead chosen to travel north for that same reason. Ploumanac’h, a harbor in the Perros-Guirec commune in Brittany, may be difficult to say, but the effort is well worth it.

Just the pink granite cliffs draw tourists who value natural architecture, and the village’s peaceful mood is further enhanced by the old small church. Take advantage of the local water activities and remember to take deep breaths; the fresh air in the north of France, far from the hustle and bustle of the city, is incredibly rejuvenating.

Peace personified in Spain’s Cíes Islands

This archipelago is made up of three magnificent islands, each of which has a few beaches worth visiting. However, “The Guardian” has named Rodas Beach, one of the islands, the greatest beach in the world. Because of their exceptional natural beauty and richness, the islands are all preserved as national parks.

The beach, which is a lovely stretch of curved coastline where you can dip your toes in the seemingly endless blue of the Atlantic Ocean, is protected by that. It’s as tranquil as it gets, and you can spend some alone time, away from the masses, in this small slice of paradise on Earth.

You most likely haven’t visited any of these locations. Because most of them are still off the usual traveler’s radar despite their flawless beauty and untouched natural richness, they are a dream come true for most travelers seeking some uninterrupted peace and quiet. These locations should be at the top of your must-see list as soon as you get the chance to travel. They’re ideal for spending long days in the sun and swimming, as well as exploring the local cuisine and customs.

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